Tag Archives: traducción

How to translate ‘cloud computing’ in Spanish?

The concept of cloud computing has been around for a while now. In Spanish, the cloud is simply “la nube”. With that noun in mind, phrases like cloud computing and cloud storage have been translated as computación en la nube/informática en la nube and almacenamiento en la nube, respectively. I find this construction quite laughable, actually, since it reminds me of the phrase en la nube as in Él andaba por las nubes durante la ceremonia (He was daydreaming during the ceremony).

Here’s my problem with it. Spanish already has nimbo, from the Latin nimbus, which means nube. Its morphology would allow it to be used as a prefix. My solution? Nimbocomputación or nimboinformática.

I think many translators are afraid to coin neologisms and, instead, refer to Google for word choices. This is equivalent to a software programmer asking a Best Buy employee for advice on how to build a mobile app.

Of course, the future of any neologism lies in widespread acceptance and usage. I recognize that usage has an inherent strong democratic power, regardless of reason, logic or level of education. Right now, the Wild West that is the Internet is informing specialized content with consequences both good and bad.

Although this is a quixotic effort on my part, I’ll keep using nimbocomputación…at least, in private.


Filed under Etymology, Lexicography, Syntax, Terminology, Vocabulary, Word formation

Welcome to Wordsmeet, where good Spanish language services can be found

Are you looking for a translation-related blog that is not just ranting against machine translation and low rates paid to translators? This blog is devoted to providing top-notch services to my customers far and wide across this interconnected globe and to the occasional translation-related platitude.

For Spanish translation quotes or inquiries, please email me at spanisphere@gmail.com.

Apologies for the appearance, but I am building this site bit by bit, palabra por palabra.

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Filed under Translation